Chermaine. Fate. Jingying. Renee. Weiwei.

Ask me anything here.

20 April 2011

Give me everything

Snapshot by Weiwei.

"不知道为什么看着你要走 我还需要装着笑容,
跟又不知道 你为什么这样对我.
不管你爱她比较多 还是爱我比较多, 我都接受了..

一个人的成全, 好过三个人的纠结, 希望她是真的比我还要爱你,
虽然你带给我的快了很多 但是也比不了你带给我的伤.

我会学着放弃你 是因为, 我太爱你♥"

Pictures with Weiwei on some random day..

A day at Town on the 17th, pictures with my two girls.
Chermaine............. and Jialing ♥

At Pastamania.
(Sorry I didn't know my hair was so messy -_-")

At workplace:

Going to have a change of working environment when this month ends, I'm going to miss the 2 shops I'm working at now so much, I'm already too used to it already I guess? Thinking on the brighter side, it's 10 more days till this month ends.. which means I'm getting nearer to my pay day :D

I miss IvyZerbel, can't wait to see her. *Awaiting*  

Thanks for reading, muacks ♥